Download information material
Would you like more information to help you plan a visit to Monheim am Rhein? Here is where you will find the tourism guidebook, brochures, flyers and maps to download and browse online. The Tourist Information Office will also be happy to send you information material to your home free of charge by mail.
Tourist-Information in Monheim Mitte
Ingeborg-Friebe-Platz 19
Tel.: +49 (2173) 276-444
Email: touristinfo@monheim.de
- Tourist guidebook (34 MB, in German)
- English Tourist Guide (18,8 MB, in English)
- Tourist map (13 MB, in German)
- Tourist map (13 MB, in English)
- Art Guide (3,3 MB, in German)
- Program of all city tours and culinary tours 2025 (7,9 MB, in German)
- Program Haus Bürgel, 1 Halbjahr 2025 (6 MB in German)
- Flyer for the circular discovery trail Baumberger Aue (1 MB)
- Flyer for the circular discovery trail Monheimer Altstadtrunde (0,7 MB)
- Hiking map for the Auenblicke trail in the Urdenbacher Kämpe Nature Reserve (2 MB, publisher: Biological Station at Haus Bürgel)