Carnival at Monheim am Rhein

Join us in celebrating what is called the “fifth season” here: Carnival, Germany’s Mardi Gras! In Monheim am Rhein, the foolish activities are a real experience – on the street, in the pubs and in the festival hall. Our town is a real hotspot of Rhineland cheerfulness, situated right between Düsseldorf and Cologne. From the opening of the season on November 11 by carnival fools, known locally as “Schelmenwecken”, to the traditional “Sitzungen” (carnival sessions), lively parties and celebrations in the streets to the highlight of the season, the three large parades: Monheim’s carnival lovers know how to celebrate – and will gladly help you celebrate with them!

Did you know that Monheim am Rhein has probably the largest ladies’ “Karnevalssitzung” in the entire Rhineland area – and even its own children’s parade? The parade on Shrove Monday, also known locally as Rose Monday, is organized by Gromoka, a carnival society dating back to 1902. Every year, the City draws up the program of events in the run-up to the big parade under the motto “Mir warte op d’r Zoch” (dialect for “We’re waiting for the parade”) to while away the time the many thousands of costumed people lining the roads spend waiting. You, too, can be there when it’s time to cry: “Monnem Helau!”



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