Scream for Freedom
The Kurdish sculptor Saman Hidayat, who comes from Iraq, came to Germany with his wife in 2015 in search of safety and has lived in Monheim am Rhein ever since. Out of gratitude for the warm reception he received, he created the bronze sculpture “Scream for Freedom,” which he had specially made for the Baumberger Chaussee/Knipprather Strasse traffic circle, waiving his usual fee.
It is a symbol of flight and expulsion, but also of arriving in safety and freedom and the hope of peace. It depicts an emotional moment: the jubilant mother stands behind the kneeling father, who holds the child tightly in his arms. The sculpture was inaugurated in January 2018.
About the artist
In his homeland, Saman Hidayat ran an art institute in Erbil. Since December 2015, he has lived in Monheim am Rhein, where he feels at home. In his figurative works, he interprets his own personal impressions and experiences.
1984 born in Kirkuk (Iraq)
2008 Graduated from Salahaddin University Erbil, Faculty of Art, Department of Sculpture
2013 Graduated from the Academy of Arts, Erbil
2015 Arrived in Germany
Installation of numerous sculptures in the cities of Iraq
2018 “Scream for Freedom,” made by the Schmees foundry, a gift to the City of Monheim am Rhein.
2021 “Five Geese,” bronze sculptures, commissioned by the City of Monheim am Rhein