Info Points convey knowledge about art
The Info Points provide information about art in public spaces; they are multilingual and barrier-free.
Art in public spaces can be seen at many locations in Monheim am Rhein, but what are the stories behind the “Leda” sculpture and the Monheim Geyser, for example? The Info Point pillars provide viewers with information about the respective work and the artist behind it.
Information in German, English and in braille
On each pillar, there is a short text in German and English. A QR code on each pillar also leads to more detailed information available at www.monheim.de. That’s where you can also find sign language videos, audio descriptions and texts in simple German on all the works of art. The text on the pillars is also shown in braille for blind people. In addition, a small bronze relief enables people to feel the work of art. The reliefs were created by artist Felix Brörken.
Info Points are barrier-free
One more advantage of the pillars is that they are kept low enough that wheelchair users can also read the information on them.
The first Info Points can be found by the Monheim Geyser, the “Leda” sculpture, the artwork “Sounds", the Franz Boehm memorial and the sculpture called “Scream for Freedom.” More pillars will follow in 2024.